Food for thought

The past is history, the future is mystery, this moment is a gift. Unknown

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Many thoughts spring in our imagination,
Some totally original and some by observation.
Most of them wither and die in infancy,
We were too busy, had no sense of urgency.
But one of them becomes a burning motivation,
When an idea or a person gives us the inspiration.

Once we get inspired, there is no holding back,
Running the extra mile after having to retrack
Drilling one level deeper after the extra mile,
The furrowed forehead gives way to a beaming smile.

We toil through the night until the results feel right,
As the darkness gives way to the rising bright light.
We cheerfully nurture and water with perspiration,
The resulting beautiful flowers of our inspiration.

It is inspiration that makes us endure,
To continue even when we are not sure.
Converting boiling water to the head of steam,
Providing the extra energy to fulfill our dream

So let our fertile imagination be fired,
Let us all become excited and inspired,
That on the one way journey of life,
We are willing to cheerfully sacrifice
To reach the targeted glorious destination
Only be propelled forward, by another inspiration….

Sukhvinder Singh Jutla 4 January 2009


Gurinderjit Singh ( said...

Dear Sukhwinder Ji,
Indeed every word of your poem is inspiring and very positive.

Umeedon ka Gulshan - Garden of Hopes said...
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Umeedon ka Gulshan - Garden of Hopes

Where hopes are nourished by faith and effort to make the desert bloom.